Compliments and Complaints Policy

Policy statement

SNE care believes that if any of our service users or stake holders wishes to make a complaint or register a concern they should find it easy to do so. It is the company’s policy to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services. This policy is intended to ensure that complaints or comments by service users and their relatives and carers are taken seriously.

The policy is not designed to apportion blame, to consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation. It is not part of the company’s disciplinary policy.

SNE care believes that failure to listen to or acknowledge complaints will lead to an aggravation of problems, service user dissatisfaction and possible litigation. The company supports the concept that most complaints, if dealt with early, openly and honestly, can be sorted at a local level between just the complainant and the office. If this fails due to either the company or the complainant being dissatisfied with the result the complainant will be referred to the National Care Standards Commission and legal advice will be taken as per necessary.

SNE care adheres to Standard 26 – Complaints and compliments of the National Minimum Standards for Domiciliary Care.


The aim of SNE is to ensure that its complaints procedure is properly and efficiently implemented and that service users feel confident that their complaints and worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly.


The goals of SNE care are to ensure the following:

• Service users, their representative, carers and all stake holders are aware of how to complain and that the company provides easy to use opportunities for them to register their complaints.

• A named person will be responsible for the administration of the procedure.

• Every written complaint is acknowledged within 48 working hours.

• Investigations into written complaints are commenced within 5 working days.

• All complaints are responded to in writing by the company.

• Complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively with due regard to the upset and worry that they can cause to both staff and service users.

The named complaints contact is our HR department -01642 438877

SNE care believes that, wherever possible, complaints are best dealt with on a local level between the complainant ad the company. If a local process does not satisfy either of the parties the case should be referred to client’s key worker or local authority and the family.

Oral Complaints:

• All oral complaints, no matter how seemingly unimportant, should be taken seriously.

• Frontline staff who receives an oral complaint should seek to solve the problem immediately.

• If staff cannot solve the problem immediately they should offer to get the manager or HR department to deal with the problem.

• All contact with the complainant should be polite, courteous ad sympathetic. There is nothing to be gained by staff adopting a defensive or aggressive attitude.

• At all times staff should remain calm and respectful.

• Staff should not accept blame, make excuses or blame other staff.

• If an advocate is making the complaint on behalf of the service user it must be verified that the person has permission to speak for the service user, especially if confidential information is involved. It is easy to assume that the advocate has the right or power to act for the service user when they may not. If in doubt it should be assumed that the service user’s explicit permission is needed prior to discussing the complaint with the advocate.

• After talking through the problem, the manager or the member of staff dealing with the complaint should suggest a course of action to resolve the complaint. If this course of action is acceptable then the member of staff should clarify the agreement with the complainant and agree a way in which the results of the complaint will be communicated to the complainant (i.e. through another meeting or letter).

• If the suggested plan of action is not acceptable to the complainant then the member of staff or manager should as the complainant to put their complaint in writing to the home and give then a copy of the homes complaint procedure.

• In both cases, details of the complaints should be recorded in the complaints book.

Written Complaints:

Preliminary Steps

When a complaint is received in writing it should be passed on to the named complaints manager who should record it in the complaints book and send an acknowledgement letter within two working days. The HR department will appoint a person to deal with the complaint through the process. If necessary, further details should be obtained from the complainant. If the complaint is not made by the service user but on behalf, then consent of the service user, preferably in writing must be obtained.

A leaflet/letter detailing the company’s procedure should be forwarded to the complainant.

If the complainant raises potentially serious matters, advice should be sought from a legal advisor to the company. If legal action is taken at his stage, any investigation by the company under the complaints procedure should cease immediately.

If the complainant is not prepared to have the investigation conducted by SNE care, he or she can contact the adult community services and be given the relevant contact details.

Investigating of the complaint by SNE care:

Within 5 working days of the complaint the company should launch an investigation and within 28 days the company should be in a position to provide a full explanation to the complainant, either in writing or by arranging a meeting with individuals concerned. If the issues are too complex to complete the investigation within the 28 days, the complainant should be informed of any delays.


If a meeting is arranged the complainant should be advised that they might, if they wish, bring a relative or friend or representative such as an advocate.

At the meeting a detailed explanation of the results of the investigation should be given and also an apology if it is deemed appropriate (apologising for what has happened need not be an admission of liability).

Such a meeting gives the company the opportunity to show the complainant that the matter has been take seriously and has been thoroughly investigated.

Follow-up action:

After the meeting, or if the complainant does not want a meeting, a written account of the investigation should be sent to the complainant. This should include details of how to approach the National Care Standards Commission if the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome.

The outcome of the investigation and the meeting should be recorded in the complaints book and any shortcomings in the company’s procedures should be identified and acted upon.

SNE care should discuss the complaints and their outcome at a formal business meeting and the company’s complaints procedure should be audited every six months.


The registered manager is responsible for organising and coordinating training. Staff should be trained in dealing with and responding to complaints. Complaints policy training is included in the induction training for all new staff and in-house training sessions on handling complaints should be conducted at least annually.

Our commitment is to respond to any complaints or queries about the service we provide in a manner that is prompt, courteous and sympathetic.

Complaints against the registered manager:

Complaints can be raised against the registered manager and therefore we have our HR department and Compliance Manager in place to intervene.

Should you have a matter you would like to bring to our attention, please contact the HR department or the senior person on duty to assist you and they will still pass on your details to the relevant person to address your concern.

Should you wish to familiarise yourself with the SNE care policy for dealing with complaints, please ask for a copy of this from the manager and further information is in our service user guide. You can also write to the control manager at the address below:

SNE care services ltd, Unit 10 Stephenson Court, Skippers Lane, Middlesbrough, TS6 6UT

Or by Phone:

01642 438878

Or by email

Once your complaint has been fully dealt with by SNE care services ltd and if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can refer your complaint t the local government ombudsman (LGO) and ask for it to be reviewed. The LGO provides a free, independent service.

The LGO team can be contacted for information and advice or to register a complaint:

Telephone: 0330 061 0614



The LGO will not usually investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters.

Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about a provider, but is happy to receive information about services at any time to ensure we are taking correct steps to address matters. You can contact the CQC at:

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence, City gate, Gallowgate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 4PA

Telephone: 03330 616 161


We would also like to hear any positive comments from our stake holders and service users and they can contact us and leave a message by phoning our office on:

01642 438878

The compliments will be recorded in our compliments book for inspection purposes and quality assurance assessments. You can also email:

If we wish to upload any of the compliments you email us on to our website we would first seek the consent from yourself and ask you to sign a consent form.

SNE care updated and reviewed August-2021